Are you looking for some excitement to make the summer fly by? You look at the gazillion camp ads and wonder what children will gain from these experiences. You ask yourself if this camp will help children with their self-confidence or master new skills, make new friends and better yet… keep these new friends … and then there is the Biggy … will it be so much FUN they want to go back next summer?
Put your mind at ease! We have you covered! At this very moment, we at Iliff Preschool’s Summer Adventure Day Camp are asking the same things! We are brain storming, surveying past campers, and coming up with amazing activities…activities like dashing and splashing at the pool and taking a risk coming down slippery slides. We have set aside a whole week of searching for hidden treasures…getting down and dirty digging for artifacts, rocks, and fossils.
Just because we all like getting sticky and covered in fun, we have invited mad scientists who can show us how to concoct goo just by heading to the kitchen. We will discover things that pop and sizzle and others that grow in the night. We have scoured the city, digging out activities campers love and are busy arranging field trips from eye-opening museums to state-of-the-art, high tech centers. We have even discovered a secret wilderness park where we can run and hike and a hill where we can freeze our back sides ice sledding in July!
Still wondering? Let these reflections from our past campers help plan a camp experience for your child his summer:
- I laughed, I played, and was silly all day long.
- I got better at what I like to do.
- I liked being outside…. running, swimming, jumping, and hiking.
- I tried new things.
- I made my mother happy taking a break from TV and the internet.
- I got to make decisions for myself without teachers!
- My dad tells me I need to be in camp at Iliff because I cause a lot less trouble than when I am in school.
- Sign me up for next summer!