Summer Adventure Day Camp 2020

Are you looking for some excitement to make the summer fly by? You look at the gazillion camp ads and wonder what children will gain from these experiences.  You ask yourself if

Is Kindergarten The Best Time To Teach Literacy?

When given choices during child-directed play, children are learning key skills like self-regulation, empathy, creativity, imagination, and problem solving. Why is it then, that in America we have lost a joyfulkindergarten experience

Crushing Kids

“Kindergarten is indeed the new first grade,” declares Erika Christakis in an Atlantic Monthly article, “The New Preschool is Crushing Kids.” She explains that “children who would once have used the kindergarten year as

Muddy Explorers

An article in The Atlantic proclaims that “most American kids don’t spend large chunks of their day catching salamanders and poking sticks into piles of fox poop. In a nation moving toward

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